About me.
I am Marta, a thirty something year old of Polish descent, living in Wales. I love the colour yellow and I am known to many as The Yellow Girl.
I am a warrior of multiple chronic illnesses and a determined fighter against depression and anxiety. I want to create a community of positivity, happiness and knowledge on life. So you do not have to feel alone. A blog focusing on health, happiness and empowerment in life.
I love to teach, I love to learn. I love to make people happy; intentionally or not. My first language is Polish and I love my heritage. I only wish I could visit Poland more often.
When I was twelve, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and we lost her four years later. I never had a normal teenage life and I had to grow up quickly with extra responsibilities and difficulties. However, I have learnt a lot along the way.
I wish I had someone at the time. Someone who could have guided me through life, provided advice just like a big fluffy security blanket. I have created this blog as a place to store all the information that I have learnt in one place. This is so that if there are others who are or have been in a similar position, they will have some help and will not feel so alone.
With everything that I have suffered my physical and mental health has suffered. I have tried so many different treatments and currently nothing has been working. Hopefully I can also find ways that will provide if not a cure or some rest-bite from the struggles.